Sunday, January 20, 2013

Third Anniversary!

I'm two days late but no matter. This weekend marks the three year anniversary of the beginning of this blog and, as usual, it's time to reflect on how far things have come in the past year. It seems this will finally be the year when my writing efforts will be reaching a much larger audience. After the success of the Kindle publishing of my article Night of the Grizzlies, 45 Years Later (see post below), the piece has been picked up by The Inside Trial, the publication of the Glacier Park Foundation, and will appear in this winter's issue. I'm excited that something with such personal meaning for me will be getting out there in such a way.

Work on the book version of Where the Bear Walks is still chugging along. I'm around halfway through, maybe a little over, but some of the hardest sections to tackle information-wise are yet to come. I hope that my projected release date of late spring/early summer will hold true but I can't be sure; a delay is a very real possibility.
As challenging as the book is, recent headlines are spurring me along and keeping me working. It appears that next year, barring some miracle, grizzlies will be removed from the protections of the Endangered Species Act, making them fair game for anyone with a gun and a score to settle. Already the comments sections of related news reports are overflowing with those frothing at the mouth to take a shot at a grizzly. The truly sad thing is that many of these people have no interest in population control; they simply want the animals gone because of the reputation they've been given. I try to stay focused on this during the dark moments when I'm lost in the turmoil of writing hell. I don't honestly believe that anything I or anyone else writes will change things at this point but I know I have to do my part for the conservation of these animals and I truly hope that the book, the articles, and the posts on this blog will be sufficient enough to do even a tiny sliver of good.
But I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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